We are a diverse nation. We live in diverse communities. We work in diverse companies. The decision to embrace diversity, to be inclusive and inviting, to divide or unite is just that – a decision. Diversity of people, backgrounds, cultures, ideas and perspectives is not a deficiency – it is what makes us strong, agile, vital and sustainable.
Vantage Solutions supports organizations who have made the choice to celebrate diversity and embrace inclusion in the work that accompanies that choice. Please contact us to see how we can help.
Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Development
A diversity and inclusion strategy is focused on creating a climate and an organizational culture of where all persons both give and receive the respect we need as individuals and employees to function successfully. Creating, maintaining and promoting diversity of the workforce is a powerful tool not only for employee morale, but it also has been proven to directly impact organizational performance and, ultimately, the bottom line. An inclusive culture will see fewer workplace conflicts and employment-related lawsuits than one that has a narrower view of the world.
Cultural Competence Development Programs
We know that people and organizations are motivated to explore and embrace diversity for many reasons. These reasons usually include some combination of legal protection, moral prerogative, social well-being, job security and business success. Our training and materials are built around this understanding and an intention to model the respect that we want your employees to give each other by meeting participants ‘where they are’ and providing opportunities to examine each of these important perspectives in the safest space possible.
Vantage Diversity & Inclusion training programs aim to uncover conscious and unconscious biases, explore benefits and challenges of a diverse and inclusive workplace, provide tools and build skills for effectively managing across all aspects of diversity, and build cultural competence for inclusive leadership.
Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Coaching
In today’s progressive workplace, effective leadership requires cultural competence and a commitment to diversity and inclusion principles. The truth is, not all leaders are where they want to be, or where the organization needs them to be. Individual coaching and training sessions can be an effective complement to group training by focusing on a manager or executive’s specific needs and level of understanding of diversity and inclusion concepts. This personal approach results in specific action plans that can be applied for short and long-term improvement. Coaching sessions can also be a practical alternative to group training when schedules or resources do not allow for group sessions.